
Chikki Benefits: 5 Healthful Benefits of Eating Chikki

Chikki Benefits

The temptation for Chikki is irresistible even though you might want to limit consumption. The sweet and salty taste of jaggery and peanuts is enough to find yourself looking for another! While it might have been a great winter snack, its calories and sweetness might make you question its consumption.

But here is where you might be mistaken, not everything’s bad about Chikki. Did you know, Chikki is considered a healthy snack? Do you know it helps in keeping cardiovascular diseases at bay? Read on to bust some more myths about Chikki being the sweet monster as we unfold the benefits of eating Chikki!

Nutritional Facts Of Chikki

Chikki can give you up to 4% of the required calories. Which means it is not unhealthy to consume it! Let’s dig a bit deeper, let’s see how nutritional Chikki is for us.

NutrientsCalorific Value Kcal/100g

See, eating chikki every now and then will only strengthen  you from within! Talking about benefits, let’s explore some of the reasons why you should have chikki.

To know more, read our latest blog, Nutritional Value of Peanut Chikki!

Top Benefits Of Chikki

1. Is a healthy snack for women during pregnancy

Pregnancy cravings can be absolutely anything and what a woman eats helps her child to grow. So in that spirit, snacking Chikkis during the last phase of pregnancy can help in a child’s growth. It also can benefit the mother by giving her all the essential nutrients she needs during pregnancy like calcium & protein. 

What’s more, it keeps the blood sugar levels under control, so would-be mums can absolutely chunk these snacks.

2. Even Diabetics can take it

People with diabetes think twice before picking up a snack. Well with chikki they don’t have to! Chikki is made from Jaggery which is known not to raise blood sugar levels. Chikki being rich in essential fats & carbohydrates helps diabetics to absorb calcium their body might shred easily.

Although chikki has a low glycemic index, it should be consumed in small quantities just to be on the safer side. 

3. May aid in weight loss

It might seem a bit strange to some but chikki helps in reducing the cravings as it is a protein-rich snack that keeps you full for a longer duration. What’s more, you can have it as a pre or post-workout snack to give your body the energy it needs.

Eating chikki supports your muscle growth and you know what they say, more muscle equals less fat.

4. Great for people with cholesterol problems

Now you might think about how peanuts can help reduce cholesterol as mostly they are the reason for it. But when they are combined with Jaggery, they do more good than harm. Jaggery is known to control blood sugar levels and fatty acids help in clearing the blockages if any.

Moreover, it will help you to lower the levels of bad cholesterol thereby, promoting good heart health. So for your heart, just add a little piece of Chikki to your diet.

5. Helps in keeping acne at bay & promotes glowing skin

Do you know Jaggery has blood purification properties? Yes, it helps to detoxify the blood and we all know how that works best for our skin. A good & healthy blood flow is the reason for flawless skin. What’s more, it also helps in reducing the appearance of acne. 

There’s more. The anti-inflammatory properties help the skin fight eczema & other skin issues.

6. It is good for older people

There is a reason why older people like to munch on this snack. It gives their body the necessary nutrients they need at this age. Not only nutrients, but chikki is also rich in minerals which completes the mineral quota in older people. Hence you might want to give your grandma or grandpa a piece of chikki post-meal.

7. Chikki can fight depression

You might be aware of the fact that peanuts help in increasing brain functions. Chikkis are enriched with vitamin B12 which helps the brain to function better and improves memory.

Eating Chikki can help in increasing serotonin levels which is known as the happy hormone. Hence proved, it is true that sweet food can give you happiness! Whenever you feel down, you can just pick up a piece of chikki to lift your mood instantly.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is, Chikki has more than just one benefit. You should consider adding this nutrition-rich snack to your diet. Now that winter is emerging, you should consume chikki in small quantities.

Find the best quality Chikki’s online from the best place like Shahi Food Products. They make sure you do not compromise on quality while you enjoy the same decades-old taste. You can hit the nearest stores now or order your favourites online in a hassle-free way!


About Shahi Food Products

Gwalior- the one with the glorious past. A heritage carefully safeguarded and evident in its monuments which stand tall, the vibrant culture and of course, the unadulterated taste of its local food.

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